The Laboratory of Dr. Grey - Chapter Three
Chapter Three Roxanne read the paper over a few times then glanced at the key in her hand. A key to room one hundred and twenty-three, and a note biding her to go to room fifty-seven, the maintenance room. Which should she choose? Come to think of it, she wasn’t even sure where room one hundred and twenty-three was. Should she go consult Dr. Grey? He would know where that room was. No, he was experimenting. Who, or what, was this Darkness character? After more thought she concluded that the only option was to go to room fifty-seven and figure out what was going on. But what ever was happening, she didn’t have a very good feeling about it. Something wasn’t quite right about any of this. She headed down the stairs and realized that the oversized mouse was gone, and that it seemed to have left right after she started checking rooms. That also wasn’t like the mice, they were very friendly creatures— one of the most friendly things Dr. Grey had in...