
Showing posts from October, 2023

What Am I Doing Now?

  At this very moment, I’m sitting down, typing, eating peanuts and dark chocolate chips, listening to my 19 day old baby snuffle in her sleep, hoping my 17 month old doesn’t wake up, and trying to figure out what else I want to share with you on this occasion.  Hello my friend, I’m glad you’ve stopped by. I shared where I have been the last few years, now to answer what am I doing now? I’m afraid to say that my life is not very riveting. But over the last year a half, I’ve grown to like it. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Occupationally (you know, the blank line given on any important paperwork grown ups are forced to encounter), I am a homemaker. Experientially, I am a wife, a mama (I like the way that sounds better than “Mother”), a housekeeper, a cook, a laundress, a gardener, a part-time seamstress, wannabe herbalist, and an aspiring minimalist (aka, I’m tired of seeing all the things stacked around my house, all the toys I have to clean up, and all the clothes I can’t wea...