For the Wives and Mamas
I am hesitant to chat with you about this. I want to make sure that I’m sharing a variety of my life. I don’t want this space to be ONLY about “Mom Life” and Marital Bliss. That being said, this is what I want to write about today. I want to give encouragement and exhortation to those of us with the high calling of being a wife and mother. Both these roles are so vital and yet so hard to do well in. I believe God intended it to be that way. But first let’s talk about how vital they are. Wives, we were created to be helpers to our husbands, supporting them, loving them, respecting and honoring them. We are to be their companion through all of life, their lover no matter how age or feelings change us, and their most trusted confidante. Mothers, we were created to be instructors of our children, and keepers of our homes. It is our jobs (in partnership with our husbands) to raise up our children as godly warriors equipped for battle. We are to instruct our chi...