
Garden of Plants, Plants in a Garden

Story time. There once was an antique sewing machine. It had a knee press and had a table top when folded into it’s stand, or a long side table when popped up for use. The machine was sitting out, gathering dust for months.  On the extended table rested an old bath towel. On the bath towel rested hard-covered children’s books. On the children’s books rested tin foil to catch the excess water. On the tin foil sat egg cartons. On (or in) the egg cartons was dirt. In the dirt were tiny green sprouts. I don’t know what were in the tiny green sprouts. I didn’t pay that much attention in school. These little sprouts started as seeds, and grew in my living room window, occupying my sewing machine table, for the last two and a half months. I just moved the last of them outside yesterday.  I spent week after tedious week, watering, monitoring and reviving these little sprouts. About one third perished from lack of water. I just kept forgetting! They needed water every two or three days and that

For the Wives and Mamas

  I am hesitant to chat with you about this. I want to make sure that I’m sharing a variety of my life. I don’t want this space to be ONLY about “Mom Life” and Marital Bliss.  That being said, this is what I want to write about today. I want to give encouragement and exhortation to those of us with the high calling of being a wife and mother. Both these roles are so vital and yet so hard to do well in.  I believe God intended it to be that way.  But first let’s talk about how vital they are. Wives, we were created to be helpers to our husbands, supporting them, loving them, respecting and honoring them. We are to be their companion through all of life, their lover no matter how age or feelings change us, and their most trusted confidante.  Mothers, we were created to be instructors of our children, and keepers of our homes. It is our jobs (in partnership with our husbands) to raise up our children as godly warriors equipped for battle. We are to instruct our children daily in what is g

What Am I Doing Now?

  At this very moment, I’m sitting down, typing, eating peanuts and dark chocolate chips, listening to my 19 day old baby snuffle in her sleep, hoping my 17 month old doesn’t wake up, and trying to figure out what else I want to share with you on this occasion.  Hello my friend, I’m glad you’ve stopped by. I shared where I have been the last few years, now to answer what am I doing now? I’m afraid to say that my life is not very riveting. But over the last year a half, I’ve grown to like it. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Occupationally (you know, the blank line given on any important paperwork grown ups are forced to encounter), I am a homemaker. Experientially, I am a wife, a mama (I like the way that sounds better than “Mother”), a housekeeper, a cook, a laundress, a gardener, a part-time seamstress, wannabe herbalist, and an aspiring minimalist (aka, I’m tired of seeing all the things stacked around my house, all the toys I have to clean up, and all the clothes I can’t wear due to

Where Have I Been?

 If you’re reading this, we’re probably already friends. Either we know each other in real life, or we know each other because you have read my other posts that I’m sure I’ll be posting in the future. Hello there, my friend. I’m glad you’ve stopped by. It’s been several years since I’ve done anything related to writing. It’s been several years since I’ve wanted to do anything related to writing.  So what have I been doing all this time? The answer is, living a grown up life. (That sounds way more boring than it did in my head). As you may have guessed if you’ve read any of my stories or novels, I wrote them all when I was a teenager in high school. I was thirteen and fourteen when I wrote and published The Quill Chronicles. The following year I wrote a novel that flopped on me. Putting me at age sixteen, I wrote The Slayer Amongst Us . The next year I started to write another novel, but it had some themes I didn’t know how to resolve at the time. I may yet come back to it, some day. Th

Blocked - a short story

    She hurled the laptop across the room in frustration. For months now she hadn’t been able to type one word. Not even a storyline had come to her; only fragments which never made sense put together.     People said her novels were good, that she wrote well for her age. Then why did it seem she always wrote junk?     Trying to fill the void over the last few months, she had done most everything to get her mind on other things, to inspire creativity, to at least be able to come up with something. But everyday she sunk further into the deep emptiness. She had tried every genre. Adventure came out dull. Thriller became stupid. Romance reminded her of how alone she really was. Mystery fell apart at the seams. Science fiction turned creepy way too fast. Fantasy was all too like reality.     Fresh air and coffee. That was what she needed. Grabbing her jacket and scarf, she pulled on her boots and trudged out the door. She walked two blocks to her favorite cafe, ordered a latte and t

The Laboratory of Dr. Grey - Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven     Once they both passed, white sheets were draped over them and they were rolled out into the hall. The men rolled them down the main hall and out the glass double doors where a truck was awaiting their arrival. They loaded the bodies and the doctor in charge climbing into the cab with the driver. The diver started the truck and he commented, “That was quicker than usual.”     The white coated man replied, “Yes, they were already weak. Don’t go to the fire pit; take us out of here were that tiny town used to be.”     The driver protested, explaining his reasons. “But Dr. Mendaf order them to be burned and I’ll get in trouble if he finds—”     “I don’t care what he said!” the man interrupted sharply. “Nothing good ever happens at that fire pit, and I won’t to risk my life for these scum bags. Take us out of town!”     The driver shrugged and a stubborn silence fell between them as they bumped along the dirt road. It began to drizzle as they were nearing the du

The Laboratory of Dr. Grey - Chapter Six

Chapter Six     Jolting forward in her narrow white bed, Roxanne screamed struggling against the nylon restrains which pinned her in a laying position to the bed. She felt something tight around her neck, choking her as she fought the restraints. Her heart raced as she looked around wildly. She was in a cold sweat and breathing hard. She heard herself screaming uncontrollably. “Get me out! Get me out of that place!”      A couple of people in white coats rushed to her side and they were saying things in a soothing voice but she didn’t hear them. Frantically her eyes darted around the room, trying to distinguish shapes and colors in the darkness. There seemed to be quite a few men in white coats and beside her, to the left, was another bed like her’s with someone on it. She couldn’t see who it was because there were white coated doctors surrounding them as well. Tugging wildly against the restrains, she fought against every hand that held her down. Then a man came up to her with